Mintegral Reporting-API Documentation


Interface Details


Request Protocol
Request Method
Reporting Api
Name Type Required Description
skey string Yes The advertiser’s API key for reporting and can be found by going to your account page -> API Tools -> Reporting Api
sign string Yes The signature string, for the generation method please refer to: sign
time int Yes The Unix timestamp of when the request was initiated, valid time is ±300 seconds
page int No The page number, default is 1
limit int No The maximum number of rows returned each time, default is 10000, value range: [1,10000]
start string No The start time of the data, default is the day before the current query date
end string No The end time of the data, default is the day before the current query date
timezone int No The timezone of start date and end date, default is 8, which means GMT +08:00. And timezone should be range from -12 to 12, while -12 means GMT -12:00 and 12 means GMT +12:00.
group_by string No The dimension(s) in which the report data is broken down. Available dimensions include:
date, country, app_id, platform, placement_id, unit_id, bidding_type, timestamp
where "timestamp" access needs to be applied for separately
The default dimension is "date"
app_id string No App ID used when retrieving data for a specific app, corresponds to the app ID in Mintegral’s system
Multiple app ID separated by commas, such as: app_id=123,456
app_name string No Expand field used for troubleshooting
app_package string No Expand field used for troubleshooting
placement_id string No Placement ID used when retrieving data for a specific ad placement, corresponds to the ad placement ID in Mintegral’s system
Multiple placement ID separated by commas, such as: placement_id=123,456
unit_id string No Unit ID used when retrieving data for a specific ad unit, corresponds to the ad unit ID in Mintegral’s system
Multiple unit ID separated by commas, such as: unit_id=123,456
unit_name string No Expand field used for troubleshooting
ad_format string No AD format used when retrieving data for one or more ad formats, corresponds to the AD format in Mintegral’s system
Multiple ad formats separated by commas, such as: ad_format=rewarded_video,native,app_wall
For all valid AD formats, please refer to AD Format
bidding_type string No Bidding type, corresponds to the Bidding type in Mintegral’s system.
Multiple Bidding type separated by commas, such as: bidding_type=traditional,header_bidding
Valid values for Bidding type: traditional, header_bidding
Name Type Description
code string The response code OK means that the request has succeeded, any other response codes indicate abnormality
data json array or json object The returned data
Name Type Description
total int The total number of data rows
page int The current page number
limit int The maximum number of rows returned per page
start string Start time
end string End time
timezone int Timezone
ad_format string AD format
total_page int The total number of pages
lists json array Data details
Name Type Description
date int The date of the current data, returned when "date" is found in "group_by"
timestamp int Timestamp, the hour of current data, returned when "timestamp" is found in "group_by"
app_id int App ID, returned when "app_id is found in "group_by"
app_name string App name, returned when "app_id" is found in "group_by"
app_package string App package name, returned when "app_id" is found in "group_by"
placement_id int Placement ID, returned when "placement_id" is found in "group_by"
placement_name string Placement Name, returned when "placement_id" is found in "group_by"
unit_id int Unit ID, returned when “unit_id" is found in "group_by"
unit_name string Unit Name, returned when "unit_id” is found in "group_by"
ad_format string AD format, returned when "unit_id” is found in "group_by"
platform string The operating system: Android, iOS or others, returned when "platform" is found in "group_by"
country string The country code, returned when "country" is found in “group by”. For country codes, please refer to Country
bidding_type string Bidding type: traditional, header_bidding, returned when "bidding_type" is found in “group by"
filled int Number of times filled
fill_rate float Fill rate
request int Number of requests
impression int Number of impressions
click int Number of clicks
est_revenue float Revenue
ecpm float Effective cost per mille
ctr float Click-Through-Rate
hb_load int Number of times header bidding load, returned when "bidding_type" = header_bidding or when "bidding_type" is found in "group_by"
hb_load_filled int Number of times header bidding load filled, returned when "bidding_type" = header_bidding or when "bidding_type" is found in "group_by"
The interface can only pull up to 7 days’ worth of data in one request.
Data can be pulled from up to 60 days ago.
        "code": "ok",
        "data": {
             "total": 320,
             "start": "20190506",
             "end": "20190506",
             "timezone": 8,
             "ad_format": "",
             "page": 1,
             "limit": 100,
             "total_page": 4,
             "lists": [
                    "date": 20190506,
                    "filled": 123,
                    "request": 123,
                    "impression": 123,
                    "click": 123,
                    "est_revenue": 123.26,
                    "fill_rate": 11.09,
                    "ecpm": 0.22,
                    "ctr": 0.52,
                    "hb_load": 123,
                    "hb_load_filled": 123



The signature string is an important identifier for integration. Developers are required to verify the use of tokens. The generation rule is: md5(SECRETmd5(time))


1. Request parameters:

$parameters = [
    'skey'=> '7e353e0f4adc628a5545b231e629ca84',
    'group_by'=> 'date,app_id,country',
    'time'=> '1557389456',
$secret = '99b50cfa3e2ae9ebb276f4e16e26f04b';

2. Sign generation:

md5(SECRETmd5(time)), the generated sign:


PHP Example Code:

$time = 1557389456;
$secret = '99b50cfa3e2ae9ebb276f4e16e26f04b';
$sign = md5($secret.md5($time)); // b5f74c77dce15a7ebecb73eb33cc5493

3. Request url:

The SECRET of the above example is: 99b50cfa3e2ae9ebb276f4e16e26f04b


AD Format

AD Format(For query) AD Format Name(For display) Traffic type
app_wallApp WallNative SDK
nativeNativeNative SDK & Online api
rewarded_videoRewarded VideoNative SDK
offerwallOffer WallNative SDK
interstitialStatic InterstitialNative SDK
interstitial_video Interstitial VideoNative SDK
new_interstitial New (View explanation and query example below) New InterstitialNative SDK
interactive_adsInteractive AdsNative SDK
sdk_bannerBannerNative SDK
online_api_bannerBanner(Online API)Online api
online_api_videoOnline VideoOnline api
full_screen_videoFullscreen VideoJavaScript SDK
js_native_video JS Native VideoJavaScript SDK
js_banner_videoJS Banner Video(300x250)JavaScript SDK
splash_adSplash ADNative SDK
automatic_rendering_nativeNative(Auto Rendering)Native SDK
Whether to use the AD FORMAT request field Yes, ad_format = 'interstitial_video' Yes, ad_format = 'new_interstitial' No
API (V1): reporting/data
Response1 example:[
    "unit_id": 1,
    "est_revenue": 0.5,
    "unit_name": "unitA",
    "ad_format": "interstitial_video"
    "unit_id": 2,
    "est_revenue": 0.5,
    "unit_name": "unitB",
    "ad_format": "interstitial_video"
Response2 example:
    "unit_id": 1,
    "est_revenue": 0.5,
    "unit_name": "unitA",
    "ad_format": "new_interstitial"
    "unit_id": 2,
    "est_revenue": 0.5,
    "unit_name": "unitB",
    "ad_format": "new_interstitial"
same as Response1
API (V2): reporting/v2/datasame as Response2
same as Response2
same as Response2


Example 1 of requested parameters:
array (
  'end' => '20190509',
  'group_by' => 'date,app_id',
  'limit' => '200',
  'page' => '2',
  'skey' => '7e353e0f4adc628a5545b231e629ca84',
  'start' => '20190508',
  'time' => 1557484375,
The request url of example 1:

Example 2 of requested parameters:
array (
  'app_id' => '91458',
  'group_by' => 'date,country',
  'skey' => '7e353e0f4adc628a5545b231e629ca84',
  'start' => '20180506',
  'end' => '20190508',
  'time' => 1557484742,
The request url of example 2:

The SECRET of the above examples is: 99b50cfa3e2ae9ebb276f4e16e26f04b